Thank you for considering your sclerotherapy treatment with Beauty Lodge.
For your safety and in order to obtain the optimum results, the instructions below must be followed.
Pre-Treatment Advice
- Avoid alcohol and smoking for 48 hours prior to treatment.
- Bring compression stockings with you to your procedure.
- Do not shave or use depilatories on legs on the day of the procedure.
- No aspirin or blood thinning products (fish oil, vitamin E) for 7-9 days before the procedure.
- Wear loose fitting clothing which will be comfortable after your treatment.
Post Treatment Aftercare
- DO wear compression stockings until bedtime for 3 weeks. It is not necessary to wear compression stockings while sleeping.
- DO NOT experience excessive sun exposure on treated areas for at least one month after treatment. This can cause hyperpigmentation.
- DO postpone any strenuous activities or high impact workouts for one week after treatment.
- DO NOT take any hot baths, showers, or sit in any saunas or hot tubs for one week after treatment.
- DO walk for at least 30 minutes a day to help blood flow circulation and minimises blood clots.
- DO take nurofen,
- AVOID aspirin if required after treatment.
- AVOID flying for at least one month after treatment.
Please report any problems to us immediately.
Attend your six- and twelve-week check-up appointments. If further treatment is required, this will be done at the twelve-week appointment.